7 Days of Awesome
Like everyone, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about COVID-19. As of today, the situation is both clear and muddled. It’s clear in that we all understand that we need to engage in social distancing to delay the spread of the virus and minimize its effects. It’s muddled in that we don’t know how successful that social distancing will be.
We also don’t know the side effects of our solution. How harmful will social distancing be to local businesses? What about folks living on hourly wages, or theater companies, or homeless people?
We’re fighting a virus, but the battle is not being held in isolation. The ramifications of what we do extend in directions that we have no way to predict.
Previous times of crisis have drawn people closer together, but how can that happen when we’re physically isolating ourselves?
That’s where 7 Days of Awesome comes in.
Whether you’re being awesome or just witnessing it, let’s celebrate just how great we can do. Let’s share stories of people being inspiring, and keep our eyes open to the needs around us.
To participate in 7 Days of Awesome, commit to sharing a positive news story every day for seven days. Tag it with #7DaysOfAwesomeNews, and invite your friends to join in.
Yes, we’re fighting a virus.
Yes, we need to physically isolate ourselves.
But no, we don’t have to stop being awesome. In fact, just the opposite is true.
Now is the time for the awesome to rise up. Let’s show the world just what we can do.

P.S. The amazing lighthouse image in this post is by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay
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